Welcome to Texas Real Estate Summit 2022. We are now accepting reservations for TRES 2022. Our 2-Day hybrid summit will take place on October 25-26. Day 1 will be Virtual using Virtual Expo Platform and Day 2 will be Live at the Hilton Medical Center.
Our Live Summit On October 26 features 3 events!
Luncheon – Time: 11am-2pm
(Now accepting Speakers, Advertisers and Sponsors)
Summit – Time: 4pm-9pm
(Now accepting Exhibitors, Advertisers and Sponsors)
Happy Hour Professionals – Time: 6pm-9pm
(Now accepting Advertisers and Sponsors)
Expected Attendance
We are expecting 1000+ attendees at Texas Real Estate Summit 2022.
Reservations are on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.
We are expecting a full sellout so we are asking everyone to be ready to reserve immediately when we contact you.
To inquire, simply complete the form below.